Satisfaction Questionnaire

Dear guest,


Thank you for your choice !
If you loved your recent tour in Europe would you be so kind to write a review ?
Sharing your impressions will help other guests make a discerning decision.
You can do this on:

Europe tours ~ Europe travels ~ Azzurytt Trip Planning


We regularly check the quality offered by our suppliers.
Thus we ensure the maintenance of the high level of services and that the partnerships works for all those involved.
In this sense, personal impressions of both guests and suppliers are very important for the improvement of our future tours.
This is why we would appreciate if you could share with us some fresh impressions and let us know:


(kindly list at most yours or your group’s top 2 of each category)


[contact-form to=”” subject=”Satisfaction questionnaire”][contact-field label=”Your tour name & Period” type=”text” required=”1″][contact-field label=”What is definitely a must see (Sightseeing / Activity / Hotel / Restaurant)” type=”textarea”][contact-field label=”What would you skip recommending to your friends (Sightseeing / Activity / Hotel / Restaurant)” type=”textarea”][contact-field label=”Any further suggestions would be highly appreciated (what we could improve)” type=”textarea”][contact-field label=”Your comments below are for our guestbook (unless you have already post them on Google / TripAdvisor)” type=”textarea”][contact-field label=”Name (only your first name and country will appear & only on our website)” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”By using this form you agree that we may store and process your data according to our Privacy Policy which you accept” type=”checkbox” required=”1″][/contact-form]


Thank you for your time !

Warm regards,